Wednesday 17 December 2014

Need for speedy justice

It has been two years since the Delhi gang rape that shook the entire nation but still the condition of women's safety leaves much to be desired. The government came up with stricter laws to deal with sexual of fences. The punishment was increased, the scope of law expanded. There seemed to be a popular consensus in bringing about a change in the society. Media picked up the story, number of public platforms were used to spread the message but still nothing seems to have changed. Still companies like uber hire sex offenders who molest passengers. Still school girls are being raped. Women are still getting raped and molested. Human trafficking is still rampant. Eve teasing is still common. Khap panchayats and molvis are still passing flawed orders.
The biggest problem that we have is of a flawed legal instrument. We need a better implementation of laws. Unless the potential criminal is not assured of punishment, he will not be deterred. For sex offences, the deterrent theory of punishment is needed. The offender is required to be made an example to deter other potential criminals. An effective investigative machinery with speedy trials and punishment is required. Without which however stringent law is passed, it is just a paper tiger. Without proper implementation, even the most stringent law is powerless. Proper implementation of laws is the need of the hour. While the social media is doing its but in spreading awareness, the police and the judiciary has a greater role to play.
Justice delayed is justice denied. To prevent more nirbhayas, it is required that the assailants of nirbhayas are punished at a fast rate. The sooner the justice is meted out, the greater effect it will have. The longer the inveatigation and trial lingers, the useless it becomes. A sure and fast punishment is what will keep the potential offenders at bay.

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