Environmental protection rests on the theory that the public trust which means that it is the duty of every person to protect the natural resources for the future generations. Environmental protection involves a number of laws including those for the protection of air, water, wildlife as well as for the control of pollution. The right to pollution free environment is a basic human right in more than a 100 countries that also have laws for environmental protection. Climate change includes the global warming, harsher weather, change in patterns of precipitation and increased frequencies of cyclones and wildfires. Climate change is responsible not just for increasing discomfort but also for the large scale extinction of plant and animal species, rising sea levels, changes in crop seasons and change in migratory patterns of animals. The climate change can be very drastic leading to the extinction of all lifeforms. Ways to combat the changing environmental conditions include reducing waste and pollution levels, using renewable energy sources, recycling, water conservation and energy conservation. Without strictly implementing a plan for environmental protection, it would not be possible to prevent the degradation of the living conditions on the planet.